Unknown Attacker

DATE RECEIVED: 24/11/2019, 15:43 GMT+3, SİCT.

DATE RECOVERED: 14/11/2022

The leaves on trees on the banks of the Vil'nyanka River, seventy-three metres away from where the unconscious body of seventeen-year old Zaltiya Kalashinkov was discovered six hours after she went missing on 13/10/19. She wasn’t dressed for the season, wearing only a shirt and a pair of thin fleece pants. She was wet, dehydrated, and hypothermic. She was taken to City Clinical Hospital #5 in Zaporzhzhia.

Her 2005 Volkswagen Polo was found nearby, at coordinates of 47°57'14.7"N 35°23'53.4"E, on the berm of a local lake. Her car door was open, her purse with her phone, wallet, and identification was found on the floor of the passenger’s side. Tyre tracks on the road showed that she swerved.

After being brought to the hospital, Officer Ivanov questioned Kalashinkov once she was stabilised. The following transcript is taken from Security Cameras and translated by someone who isn’t an expert, and might be inaccurate.

Ivanov: “Why were you near Vil'nyanka?”

Kalashinkov: “I was driving home from a friend’s house in Bilyaivka.”

Ivanov: “Did you swerve? Do you remember that?”

Kalashinkov: “I do, I was driving, and I saw someone standing in the road.”

Ivanov: “What did he look like?”

Kalashinkov: “He was…He looked…His face…was just…wrong?”

Ivanov: “What do you mean?”

Kalashinkov: “His face looked weird, it was human, but it wasn’t at the same time. It looked like something was trying to be human. It just looked wrong. His eyes were huge, like a frog’s almost. His beard was a dark green.”

Ivanov: “Right. What was he wearing?”

Kalashinkov: “He wasn’t wearing anything. But his body was the same as his face, it just looked wrong.”

Ivanov: “How do you mean?”

Kalashinkov: “It was…it had a green…tint? His arms were…really long and his skin was scaly and covered in dirt.”

Ivanov: “Scaley?”

Kalashinkov: “Yes, like a fish.”

Ivanov: “Right. Why did you get out of the car?”

Kalashinkov: “After I swerved he came up to my car and pulled it open and dragged me out.”

Ivanov: “Where did he drag you?”

Kalashinkov: “He tried dragging me to the lake. He grabbed me by the hair and was just…quiet. The entire time. He was just focused on the lake.”

Ivanov: “What did you do?”

Kalashinkov: “I fought. I grabbed the rim of one of the wheels on my car and pulled away from him. I kicked and screamed until he lost his grip and I just…fucking ran.”

Ivanov: “Where did you go?”

Kalashinkov: “I just…I just fucking ran, I ran until my legs gave out. I remember just collapsing, and I remember that I could see the road and I remember thinking that I just…had to crawl to get help. But I passed out.”

Ivanov: “And then you were rescued.”

Kalashinkov: “Yes.”

Ivanov: “That’s great Zaltiya, thank you. I’ll let you rest.”

Kalashinkov was released the following day. As of 14/11/2022, the suspect has not been arrested. Zaltiya and the staff here at the Zaporvan Archive believes the thing that dragged her from the car was not human. If anyone else has had an experience near the road that Kalashinkov was on or had an experience with something that resembled the appearance of the thing that attacked Zaltiya, send an email to zaporvanarkiv@gmail.com